Meet the Cow Team
Sometimes misunderstood and always loved, our cow residents are the often referred to the Kings (& Queens) of the paddocks. A family of 16 rescued babies, many come to us with stories of heartache that have found their sanctuary with us at Deathrow Unchained in Burbank.
Lead by Team Manager Lucy, our Cows are cared for by a team of dedicated and committed volunteers who love to spend their free time ensuring our grass puppies are provided the best care possible.
Meet The Leader - Lucy
Hi! I’m Lucy and I’m the Cow Team Manager at DRU! I’m currently 20 years old and about to graduate from QUT with a Bachelor of Fine Art in Dance. For the past few years I have been working towards a career in dance, however, as of right now I’m trying to follow my passion for the animals at DRU as it’s something that is providing me with a lot of happiness. I have been volunteering at the sanctuary since August of 2019 and the more time I spent there, the more I wanted to be involved. I am now assisting with volunteer supervising, guiding tours, sanctuary supervision and of course, COWS!

What does your role consist of as the cow team manager?
As the Cow Team Manager, I oversee the feed, medical and health procedures of the cows and ensure they are getting lots of love and care. When off-site, I direct and manage the cow team caretakers as well as organising rosters, medical treatments and changes to diet if necessary. With the help of my enrichment administrators I also build enrichment plans for our cows to keep them entertained and cheerful. While I’m on-site I oversee any welfare issues and administer medication if necessary, for example, treating Elvis’s skin condition, I also aim to build strong relationships with the cows by giving treats, halter training and lots of cuddles. Recently, I have been able to get more involved in vet appointments and the specifics of the cows health and happiness. I have begun doing extensive research into the inner workings of a cow and hope to apply this to my role soon.
What do you love about your role?
As much as I love the people I have met, the information I have learnt and the opportunities I have been given, the true answer is I just love the cows. All animals hold a special place in my heart, but the cows have completely stolen it. I love seeing their faces, learning their different personality traits and watching them grow and navigate through life at the sanctuary. I feel so proud to have watched them overcome hurdles, pull through illness, or even just grow confidence at scary vet visits. The cows at the sanctuary are so special to me, and even if I contribute to their happiness or well-being in a small way that is enough for me.
How did you get started in animal rescue, and more specifically, what led you to want to take special care of our cows?
Early in 2019, I attended an open day at DRU, I took my friend there as we both loved animals. During the open day, I was introduced to Buttercup, a cow with one horn and a lot of love to give. I fell in love with her soft nature and funny personality and knew I had to come back and see her eventually, as well as all of the other fabulous animals I met on the day. That was when I saw an advertisement for volunteering at the sanctuary, I applied straight away. After volunteering generally for a year, I asked to become more involved with the cows. Over the year of volunteering, I had just found myself always gravitating towards the cows and wanting to spend time with them. I found myself developing friendships with a number of the cows and wanted to try my best to give them an amazing team, a team they deserved!
Have you got any memorable moments / stories? Any cool facts you’d like to share about the animals?
The most memorable moment of being cow team leader was when Freddie and Frankie arrived! The first new additions to the cow herd since being cow team leader. I was the most excited I think I had ever felt! It is even more special thinking back on it now as they were so shy of people, but now after sitting and bonding with them, they come up to me every time I’m in their paddock to give me hugs (and search for treats).
Meet Our Cow Residents

Cool Cow Facts
Cows like to sleep close to their families, and their sleeping arrangements reflect their ranking in the social hierarchy.
The first few minutes of a calf being born mark a lifelong bond with their mother, each calf is just as special and connected, being carried for nine months, similar to people. Mother cows also have specific calls for each calf, just like names. However, unfortunately, in the case of most cows and all the cows in our sanctuary none of them have been able to continue their lifelong journey with their mothers/calfs. However, luckily this connection can be formed if there is a close enough bond, such as Mumma Lily and Lola who aren’t biologically related but are mother and daughter
in everyone’s eyes, including theirs.
Cows are incredibly intelligent, they can learn and respond to their names and get really excited after solving problems. Which is why our cows are gradually getting enrichments to stimulate this part of their brain.
Cows are actually great swimmers! Cows can swim large bodies of water and maintain their speed and stamina for a long time. Our cows have access to a dam but I am yet to see any of them attempt a swim.
Cows can see 340 degrees around them, which is every where except directly in front and behind them. This is why we thought it would be such a hard life for our disability yard animals that have varying degrees of sight. But with time, patience and help from their herd they all feel very safe and happy.
Cow tipping is a myth! Cows generally sleep lying down and are usually wary of approaching humans, they are also weighty animals so it is near impossible! Cows have four pouches in their stomachs, the reticulum, the rumen, the omasum and the abomasum!